Digital inkÉvénementWacom

Wacom se lance dans le contrôle par le cerveau

Ce n’est pas une blague ou un poisson d’avril. Wacom a sorti, lors du CES,  une Press Release comme quoi il devenait pionnier dans l’utilisation du cerveau (Brainwave – les émotions) appliquée à l’écriture numérique (Digital Ink). Tout cela accompagné d’images. C’est dire… Cela utilise une techno californienne, NeuroSky et une autre japonaise, 1-10drive. À voir lors de l’événement Connected Ink de Las Vegas. Cela marche bien sûr en temps réel (abonnement Inkspace + ? lol). On note dans les textes que le Bamboo Slate est appelé un digital stationery device. Ha ha ha, nous, on est très attentif au vocabulaire wacomien.

Le copier coller du texte : Wacom Pioneers System for Embedding Brainwave Data into Digital Ink

Interface Presents Emotions in Visual Display using Emotional Spectrum, EEG* Algorithm Developed by Tech Startup NeuroSky 

Las Vegas — January 6, 2017—Wacom today announced that it has developed a system that embeds brainwave data into handwritten digital ink and presents a visual display of the user’s emotional state. The software analyses EEG data using Emotional Spectrum, an algorithm developed by the California-based biosensor technology company NeuroSky that measures the intensity and pleasantness of emotional activity. Wacom will exhibit the system today at its partner event Connected Ink in Las Vegas.

brain brain

Wacom previously exhibited a prototype of the system using Neurosky algorithms, developed in collaboration with Japanese tech startup 1-10drive, Inc., at the previous Connected Ink event held in Tokyo in October 2016. That system detected cognitive states such as attention, meditation, familiarity and mental effort. The upgraded version uses the Emotional Spectrum algorithm to extract data on emotional states from EEG data. This data is combined with digital ink data captured by the Bamboo Slate, Wacom’s digital stationery device that enables users to write with a pen on any type of paper and instantly digitize handwritten memos.

kk jjj

Connected Ink Vegas Welcome letter with emotion, where Mediation for ink point such as “guest” and ”looking forward to” shows higher emotional level for comfort and relaxation

Stanley Yang, CEO of NeuroSky said “The two combined technology will deliver a brand new experience by utilizing new ways of communication, when emotional data and hand written data are synchronized.  Accumulation of this big data set will open doors to new business opportunities.”

Nobu Ide, SVP in charge of Wacom’s Technology Solution Business Unit said, “As far as we know, this is the first attempt to combine emotional data with digital ink, analyze that data in real time, and present the feedback in a visual display. We have set up the system using a readily available hardware—a brainwave sensing headset, a notebook PC and a digital pen—which makes this technology very accessible. We are very excited about the potential applications in many different fields, from education to psychology and medicine.

With its capacity to record a broad range of data from timestamps to geolocation and now emotional data, digital ink is a disruptive technology with vast potential across a broad range of industry sectors. Wacom will continue its pursuit to harness the power of digital ink in collaboration with partners around the world.

* EEG stands for electroencephalogram, a test commonly used to detect electrical activity in the brain

About NeuroSky

Founded in 2004, NeuroSky is a privately held, Silicon Valley-based company with offices throughout Asia and Europe. NeuroSky technologies enable the most insightful and easy-to-understand health and wellness biometrics for mobile solutions, wearable devices, entertainment and service providers. The company’s proprietary, market-leading biosensor technologies provide a foundation for analyzing biometric data in a way that’s never before been practical. NeuroSky-enabled solutions deliver unique insights into body and mind health and wellness that can motivate people to make better lifestyle choices.

Tiens, On vous met la BA de Scanners de Cronenberg.

2 réflexions sur “Wacom se lance dans le contrôle par le cerveau

  • Lethe

    Les Japonais aiment bien les appareils basés sur les ondes cérébrales. Mon préféré : le Necomimi.

    La vidéo sur le site devrait vous plaire.

    Et ça fait plaisir de vous retrouver en ligne après l’interruption à la fin de l’année dernière.

  • Vincenwoo

    Avec les oreilles Snow Leopard,pour passer un entretien d’embauche, ça peut le faire. 🙂

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